Supporting the

                        27 Trees Planted


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This is a new initiative by the Premier Paper Group to support the work of the Woodland Trust. Every £60 (Ex VAT) spent on the site will raise enough money to plant a tree.


Paper is one of the most widely used woodland products in today’s modern world and paper making remains amongst the most sustainable industries in existence.


In managed forests, for every tree harvested three or four others are planted; so it may seem counter intuitive but paper does in fact make trees. The European Environment Agency figures confirm that 33% more trees are planted each year compared to the number harvested. So contrary to many beliefs, the demand for paper and timber products drives the growth of forests. It is estimated that the amount of forested land throughout Europe has increased by 30% in the last 50 years.


Here in the UK, our forestry industry is not as extensive as many other countries and tree cover is estimated at being somewhere in the region of 12%, significantly below that of the rest of Europe. This is one of the reasons that the work of the Woodland Trust is so important. It replants and conserves native woodland, creates habitats for many diverse plant and animal species and provides woodlands that we can all enjoy.        

